My opinion on the best travel systems in this year

Recently my friend from high school paid me a visit. She was 8-month pregnant then. We talked a little bit about pregnancy and labor, but baby gear was our main subject was. We talked about cribs, infant car seats, baby clothes, educational toys and of course strollers. She wanted to buy a stroller with matched infant car seat because she drive a lot. She didn’t want to spend money on pram. I’ve got two kids, so my friend came to me for advice how to pick the best travel system.

Great thing about travel systems is that we don’t need any adapters to use the stroller with infant car seat. It’s easy to transfer between car, stroller and home. No wonder so many parents buy travel systems.


I told my friend of course about UPPAbaby Vista 2017 and MESA infant car seat. This travel system can be used for one, two or three kids, from birth till at least 3 years. I bought UPPAbaby Vista 2017 travel system myself and I’m very satisfied with it. At first I was using it with two MESA infant car seats. My kids fall asleep in car immediately so during first year I was driving with them A LOT. MESA infant car seats are very comfortable and safe.


When my boys grew up a little bit, I switch to a toddler seat and rumble seat. They are almost 2 years old now and I am sure VISTA will be suitable for them for at least one more year. OF course VISTA can be used as a single stroller with one infant car seat, bassinet or toddler seat. My friend loves shopping so I told her also about large storage basket under VISTA seat which can hold baby’s essentials, mom’s bag and couple of shopping bags J


I told my friend also about other travel systems so she could pick the best one for her family.


I recommended her also Chicco Bravo Trio, because it’s much cheaper than VISTA but still very reliable travel system. Taking baby into the car and from the car is very quick and simple. This stroller features adjustable canopy and handlebar, good-sized basket underneath the seat and it’s pretty narrow. It comes with extra accessories like parent tray with two cup holders and a storage.


There is one more travel system that I really like. I recommended my friend also Evenflo Pivot Modular travel system. It’s high-quality stroller like UPPAbaby VISTA, but much cheaper than it. The infant car seat is suitable from 4 to 35 lbs. The toddler seat with weight limit of 50 lbs is reversible and reclining. This stroller has also awesome wheels that provide smooth ride. Pushing the stroller is very convenient, even if we are strolling over rugged terrain. And of course there is a big basket under the seat (this was crucial for my friend’s).


I recommended these three travel systems to my friend, because I personally tested them and knew that they are the best! No matter which one she chose, she would be satisfied. Eventually, my friend bought UPPAbaby VISTA 2017 with MESA infant car seat. She’s already started using it for her newborn daughter and she’s very pleased that she’s chosen this travel system.


I also found this great website with many reviews of the best travel systems in 2017.